SPH mapping

Internal Module

You can map SPH data to a grid using the function:

function sphMapping(Pos, HSML, M, ρ, Bin_Quant;




To map the data you need to define the mapping parameters via the mappingParameters object:

par = mappingParameters(xlim=[xmin, xmax], ylim=[ymin, ymax], zlim=[zmin, zmax],

Instead of Npixels you can also give the keyword argument pixelSideLength if you prefer to define your image that way.

You also need to choose the kernel you used in the simulation. I implemented the following ones:

k = Cubic()
k = Quintic()
k = WendlandC4()
k = WendlandC6()


With the setup done you can now map (e.g.) density of your data using the function above as:

image = sphMapping(x, hsml, m, rho, rho, param=par, kernel=k)

Replacing the second rho with any other quantity would map that quantity of course. Please note: This function doesn’t do any unit conversion for you, so you need to convert to the desired units beforehand. See the chapter on unit conversion for usage.

Image now contains a 2D array with the binned data and can easily be plotted with imshow() from any plotting package of your choosing.

Per default the keyword parallel = true causes the run to use multiple processors. For this you need to start julia with julia -p <N> where <N> is the number of processors in your machine.

Conserved quantities

With the latest release you can map the particles to a grid while also conserving the particle volume, following the algorithm described in Dolag et. al. 2006 (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/link_gateway/2005MNRAS.363…29D/doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.09452.x).

This is switched off by default, but is slightly more expensive than simple mapping. If you don’t want to use it simply call the mapping function with conserve_quantities=false.

CAUTION: This is currently broken and under development!

External Programs

GadJet.jl provides helper function for two external sph mapping Codes: Smac and P-Smac2.


P-Smac2 by Julius Donnert (https://github.com/jdonnert/Smac2) is an advanced mapping code for a multitude of different quantities. To run a mapping and plotting loop from a Julia script you need to update the parameter files on the fly. The function write_smac2_par provides this functionality.

write_smac2_par(x, y, z,
                euler_angle_0, euler_angle_1, euler_angle_2,
                xy_size, z_depth, xy_pix::Int64,
                input_file, output_file, path,
                effect_module::Int64=0, effect_flag::Int64=0)


Smac is a SPH mapping Code by Klaus Dolag and others. The implementation is described in Dolag et al. 2005 (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/link_gateway/2005MNRAS.363…29D/doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.09452.x)

Smac isn’t public unfortunately. So these functions are mainly for my personal use. If you do have access to Smac, here’s a reference to what you can do.

GadJet.jl provides some functions to read the binary output of Smac, as I personally prefer that over the FITS output. To get the binary format you need to set FILE_FORMAT = 1 in the parameter file.

Reading image information

If you set FILE_HEADER = 1 in the Smac parameter file you can read the information of the image header into a Smac1ImageInfo object like so:

info = read_smac1_binary_info(filename)

The Smac1ImageInfo object contains the following information

struct Smac1ImageInfo

    snap::Int32                 # number of input snapshot
    z::Float32                  # redshift of snapshot
    m_vir::Float32              # virial mass of halo
    r_vir::Float32              # virial radius of halo
    xcm::Float32                # x coordinate of image center
    ycm::Float32                # y coordinate of image center
    zcm::Float32                # z coordinate of image center
    z_slice_kpc::Float32        # depth of the image in kpc
    boxsize_kpc::Float32        # xy-size of the image in kpc
    boxsize_pix::Float32        # xy-size of the image in pixels
    pixsize_kpc::Float32        # size of one pixel in kpc
    xlim::Array{Float64,1}      # x limits of image
    ylim::Array{Float64,1}      # y limits of image
    zlim::Array{Float64,1}      # z limits of image
    units::String               # unitstring of image


Reading the image

The image itself can be read with

image = read_smac1_binary_image(filename)

This will return an Array{Float32,2} with the pixel values. You can pass this to any imshow function of your favorite plotting package.